A FrogAcademy+FrogCode solution.
Designed by two of our schools, Assignment Reporting was created to bring all our assignment reporting into one place, along with links to guides on their use. With the help of The Winston Churchill School and Kennet School, Frog developed two FrogCode widgets to supplement the reporting.
The first enables heads-of-year and tutors to check on engagment, by being able to view all the assignments set to their students, along with a list of all the assignments the pupils have not opened.
The second FrogCode widget allows teachers and parents to view an individuals assignment record, which highlights work handed-in late and any activities not done.
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Product Team, Frog Education
This product was created as part of The Frog Academy - a series of practical solutions inspired by our community of schools. The power behind these products is not simply the technology, it is working together, it is sharing our efforts and everyone getting the benefits!
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