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frogstore FrogStore

Explore a catalogue of solutions and educational content provided as standard with Frog...

This widget displays a list of the sites you have tagged as your favourites.
This widget searches the contents of a site for your search term and returns the results.
This widget searches then displays all sites in FrogLearn and who they have been shared with.
A Site more appropriate for Years 12 and 13
Access SLT notices, strategies, events, meeting minutes and more
Inspired by Social Media, this school club site is reminiscent of the look of FaceBook's group pages.
Understand more about the incredible universe we live in. This site is in presentation mode, that students have to work…
Celebrate your sports days online, but with the safety of Frog
A combined desktop and mobile site for your teachers and staff
A FrogAcademy+FrogCode solution. The Bow School helped us design this easily adaptable, dynamic directory of all staff,…
This widget is designed for use with FrogParent. Staff who have children in the school can use this widget to select…
A widget which allows you to add Secure Gateway controls to a page.
Help & support for staff
A standard theme - An additional theme that can be uploaded to FrogLearn for use on sites and dashboards.
Paul Conkie built this application to give his pastoral staff access to student access to student assignments.


Have you got a great resource that you would like to share with the our community of schools? Let us know and we will get it onto the FrogStore...

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