Empower and retain staff

Deliver rich and engaging training from inductions through to compliance responsibilities.

People are your greatest asset and targeted investment in them will help you to achieve your defined goals.

Make a difference by delivering rich and engaging training from inductions through to compliance responsibilities. Staff benefit from CPD opportunities whilst feeling protected by role-specific training that supports day-to-day decision making and confidence in handling difficult situations.

There are two levels to this...

Promoting a culture of learning

Promoting a culture of teaching and sharing

Promoting a culture of learning

Putting staff across your MAT in control of their own development and professional journey is a powerful way to encourage trust-wide growth and improvement. At the same time, giving your staff access to rich training and development opportunities - a great way to make them feel valued and promote job satisfaction.

Frog LMS supports increased opportunities for learning and development for staff. Access to training anytime, anywhere means staff can learn in ways and at times that work for them. With training delivered in easy-to-consume bitesize chunks, they can fit learning around busy schedules.


Promoting a culture of teaching and sharing

Staff time is precious. It is important to use it wisely.

Across all schools, staff can learn so much from each other and foster a culture of teaching and sharing which is hugely beneficial.


Let’s look at a handful of examples...


Common Scenario
A member of staff spends several hours with every new starter, to cover elements of their induction.
The Frog way...
All new starters have their induction online.
If they do meet with the Deputy Head, it is in a short, focused meeting for a friendly introduction and to answer any queries.


Common Scenario
The Data Protection Officer runs refresher training on data protection and GDPR once a year, to all staff. New starters need to be trained throughout the year on an ad-hoc basis.
The Frog way...
All members of staff (both permanent and temporary) access data protection training online.
An audit of staff training gives evidence for ongoing whole-school compliance.


Common Scenario
Members of the office team run workshops throughout the year, making sure all staff are looked after with pay, pensions, policies and procedures.
The Frog way...
Staff assigned latest training on the FrogLMS platform.
Permissions and access to upload administrative documents where necessary.


Common Scenario
Your IT team delivers regular sessions to staff, on how to use Microsoft, Google and a variety of software applications to support their job.
With Frog...
The team delivers this training online and makes available to all staff to access as and when they choose.
Teachers access the training when they need it, and the IT Team can getback to looking after the technology.


Common Scenario
A programme of leadership courses run throughout the year, for members of the Senior Management Team to improve skills and understanding.
The Frog way...
The programme of leadership courses is made available to everyone.
Including teachers and support staff who want to strengthen knowledge and skills for their own professional development.


Common Scenario
The SEND coordinator offers lunchtime and twilight sessions for all staff, on everything from Dyslexia and ADHD, through to Autism, Aspergers, and Visual Disabilities. Drop-ins are free for anyone to attend.
The Frog way...
These training opportunities are now online.
The SEND coordinator is now able to offer a much richer, broader range of courses, and more staff able to access them. SEND students will benefit increasingly from improved levels of knowledge and understanding throughout the school.


Common Scenario
A pioneering Maths teacher at the school runs regular CPD sessions to raise attainment in Maths through a range of pedagogical approaches.
The Frog way...
In-house CPD delivered (by such as this Maths teacher) can be consumed by staff today and into the future.
Giving leading teachers time back, to continue to develop new and ever-more innovative training, in line with the latest pedagogical developments.
Common Scenario
You have a Head of Science that runs half-termly subject training sessions for TAs, to maximise the support they can give in the classroom.
The Frog way...
This training can now be assigned to TAs quickly and easily, year after year.
It is easier to move TAs across subjects and to maximise the value of their support.


Customer Stories

Our constant target is to help businesses, multi-academy trusts and schools achieve their people development goals & objectives. See how we have helped different organisations to successfully do this...

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