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Frog Pedagogy – a free resource for teachers

Exciting new course on learning approaches

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A free resource for teachers

We’re proud to share an exciting new course on learning approaches from Matt Mclaughlin, a teacher at Talbot County Public Schools in Maryland, USA

Blended or Flipped learning is almost becoming the norm, as experienced teachers move away from traditional teaching techniques for ways to make lessons more interactive and more engaging.  Matt’s new course is designed to help all teachers learn and develop their skills

Training Materials

Matt worked with Frog as part of his Masters to create training materials for his teachers.  He took the approach of exploring the concepts behind Blended Learning, including:

  • Flipped Learning
  • Flexed Learning
  • Station Rotation
  • Lesson Planning
  • Data for differentiation

Matt explains: "Frog Pedagogy was created with the teacher in mind.  Built directly from Adult Learning Theory and using UDL principles the training was created so that teacher and administrators of Frog Learn could learn to get the most out of Frog."

"Each of the courses were identified as critical needs for teachers.  The first on Blended Learning provides the basics of using technology in the classroom.  This training describes two of the most common forms of technology enhanced learning, that of Flipped Classroom and Flexed Classroom."

Technology in the classroom

"Technology is not just integrated into the lesson, but becomes the primary delivery system in these methods of teaching. As teachers begin to use technology in the classroom, they will need to understand the different aspects of the program that they are using.  The programs will need to be integrated into the lesson and the second course, integration, describes how to work all of the capability into the lesson and how it corresponds to the elements that you need.  A new methodology requires new way to plan.  The third course of Frog Pedagogy describes this new method.  This focus on planning and learning using technology utilizes the work of Gagné, Dr. Ruben Puenteduram and others."

Evaluation is key

"Finally, as every teacher knows, evaluation is key to understanding what was learned.  The final course keeps this in mind.  Focusing on data analysis and data acquisition, this section describes the data to use and how to interpret it for the teachers.  Frog Pedagogy is not a how-to guide, but a source to deepen your understanding of teaching with technology."

Using the Frog Pedagogy course

The course is designed to be used with a moderator, someone already comfortable with Blended Learning.  It includes digital badges for staff to ‘earn’ as they complete modules.  Matt has been using the course with his colleagues since September and they are reporting back positive results.

The course is comprises 5 sites, including videos, resources, self-assessment methods.  Frog's Service Desk can install it for you on request, just use the form below:


Product HUBs

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