We worked with George Bligh from Greenshaw on this widget. When someone views a page with this widget on, it records their visit. Anyone with Edit and Manage rights gets a button which displays a list of all visitors, their profile, their children (if a parent), how many times they have visited the site and the time and date of their last visit.
(This widget uses the datastore - a little known about feature of Frog's API.)
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How to install a widget
If you are not sure how to install one of the FrogCode widgets please take a look at the following video tutorial....
Important Information
The Package Manager application is required to create and install FrogCode applications and widgets. By default, it is not available to any group, including Admins. This can be added in Groups and Policies.
To create your own widgets, you will need to activate FrogCode Editor, please contact the Frog Support team. Call through on 01422 395939.