
Using Frog for Remote Learning

For Schools Needing Urgent Help


We’ll get to the point. We’ve created a simplified version of Frog, made to deal with the specific issues that we face today. It includes only what you need, is quick to get running, requires minimal training and we are offering it without the need for a long-term commitment.*

Our HomeLearning platform includes the following capabilities:

  • Assign work to children - it will appear in a calendar that looks like a timetable
  • Children can do work (uploading files, doing quizzes, etc.)
  • Child and Teacher can communicate directly through the system, with these comments associated with the piece of work (not hundreds of emails)
  • Teachers can mark the work, provide feedback, ask the child to try again
  • Bank of 25,000+ quizzes that cover all years and all subjects of the UK curriculum from KS1 through to KS4, including GCSE and SATs papers
  • Ability to create your own quizzes (not just multiple choice, with over a dozen different question types)
  • Gamified learning environment for the quizzes, encouraging the children to try the quizzes more than once independently
  • Detailed reporting on each child’s understanding, including highlighting common misconceptions
  • Mobile ‘phone app for children and parents that provides access to learning, ANY additional information that you want to make available, and broadcast messaging so you can keep everyone informed of what’s going on

We have streamlined this platform in order that we can bring it online within a couple of hours.  Training videos are provided that are sufficient to get your teachers, students and parents going.  We are also running supporting webinars to ensure everyone has all they need.


For further information, or to get this implemented in your school, please call 01422 250800 or fill out the following form for someone to get back to you.

Contact Frog





* We are able to provide the quiz and gaming system for free for a while for those that already have alternative arrangements for everything else