Applications Guides Course
App Link widget Basic Code Activity widget Blank Space widget Calendar widget Code Viewer widget Create Event widget Embed Site widget Embed Website widget External Link widget File Drop widget Form widget Forum widget Homework Calendar widget HTML widget Image Carousel widget Link to File widget Log In widget Media widget Nested Page widget Notes widget Notice Board widget Notifications widget Other Activity widget PDF widget Photo Stream widget Phrase of the day widget Poll widget Quick Launch widget Quiz widget Random Name widget RSS Feed widget Shared Folders widget Network Drive widget Site Link widget Site List widget Site Timeline widget Table widget Text widget Text Activity widget Time widget Timetable widget Set Keyword widget User Info widget Wall widget OneDrive widget using widget what does each widget do what widget do i need to use using widgets overview of widgets how do I add an application to a site use widget to add application to site embed an application in a page how do I embed an application in a page add an application to a page can I add an application to a page embed an application in a site how to embed an application in a site use a basic code activity in a site basic code activity on site basic code activity on page set a basic code activity basic code basic code activity add blank space to a site add blank space to a page add spacing to a site add padding to site using calendar widget how to use calendar widget how does the calendar widget work using the calendar widget adding calendar to a site adding calendar to a page how to add a calendar to a page how to add a calendar to a site add code viewer to a site adding code to a site coding on a site code on a site viewing code on site add coce viewer to a page adding code to a page coding on a page code on a page viewing code on a page create event on calendar add events to calendar creating events event creation on calendar create booking booking calendar create a booking from site create a booking on a site create a booking from a page embed a site into a another site embed a site into a page use frog site in another site embedding a site add site to another site embedding use one site in another add a site into another site embed external site into frog external site in frog add external site into frog add external site into frog site external site into site external site into page external website into a site external website into a page embed external website embed external website into a site embed external website into a page embedding external website Link to a website link to external website create a link to external website link to website link to external site external site link add files to a site adding files to a site add files to a page adding files to page add files as resources file resources share files on a site share files on a page add forms to a site upload files to a site upload files to a page create form on a site create form on a page forms on site forms on page add form to a page page forms site forms create forms for a site create forms on a site create forms on a page create forms for a page add a forum to a site add a forum to a page create forum on a site create forum on a page forums on a page forums on a site site forums page forums new forum on a site new forum on a page add homework calendar to a site add homework calendar to a page view homework in a site view homework in a page homework visible on a site homework visible on a page widget for calendar homework homework widget html on a site html on a page custom html edit html add html to site add html to page add images to a site add media to a site add images to a page add media to a page send images to a site send media to a site send images to a page send media to a page add pictures to a site add pictures to a page send pictures to a site send pictures to a page use media in a site use images in a site use pictures in a site use media in a page use images in a page use pictures in a page what is the app link widget what does the app link widget do how do I use the app link widget what is the basic code activity widget what does the basic code activity widget do how do I use the basic code activity widget what is the blank space widget what does the blank space widget do how do I use the blank space widget what is the calendar widget what does the calendar widget do how do I use the calendar widget what is the code viewer widget what does the code viewer widget do how do I use the code viewer widget what is the create event widget what does the create event widget do how do I use the create event widget what is the embed site widget what does the embed site widget do how do I use the embed site widget what is the embed website widget what does the embed website widget do how do I use the embed site widget what is the external link widget what does the external link widget do how do I use the external link widget what is the file drop widget what does the embed website widget do how do I use the embed site widget what is the form widget what does the form widget do how do I use the form widget what is the forum widget what does the forum widget do how do I use the forum widget what is the homework calendar widget what does the homework calendar widget do how do I use the homework calendar widget what is the html widget what does the html widget do how do I use the html widget what is the image carousel widget what does the image carousel widget do how do I use the image carousel widget use a link to a file add link to a file create a link to a file have a link to a file can I link to a file can I have a file link file links creating file links creating links to a file file linking what is the link to file widget what does the link to file widget do how do I use the link to file widget can I have a log in option on my site can I have a log in option on my page button to press for users to log in log in page on my site log in page log in link link to log in page link to login option to log in option to login option for login option for log in what is the log in widget what does the log in widget do how do I use the login widget use site assets display images in a site display photos in a site display videos in a site display images in a page display photos in a page display videos in a page add videos to a site add videos to a page send videos to a site send videos to a page add videos to a site add videos to a page use videos In a site use videos in a page using videos on a site using videos on a page using media in a site using images in a site using pictures in a site capturing evidence capture evidence add evidence to a site add evidence to a page add audio to a site add audio to a page add recordings to a site add recordings to a page use audio in a site use audio in a page send audio to a site send audio to a page add voice recording to a site add voice recordig to a page how can I add media to a site how to add media to a site what is the media widget what does the media widget do how do I use the media widget nest a page nesting a page how do I nest a page how to nest a a page add a page to a site nesting pages nest a page from another site can I add a page from another site what is the nested page widget what does the nest page widget do how do I use the nested page widget use resources from other site other site resources add notes to a page highlight text paper pad what is the notes widget how do I use the notes widget what does the notes widget do add notices to a site add notices to a page create notices on a site create notices on a page school notices using the noticeboard widget creating notices create notices creating school notices school notices how do I use notices how do I create notices can I create notices can I add notices notices on a site notices on a page what is the noticeboard widget what does the notice board widget how do I use the notice board widget notifications on a site notifications on a page can I show my notifications on a site can I show my notifications on a page embed notifications on a site embed notifications on a page show notifications display notifications on a site display notifications on a page my notifications show my notifications what is the notifications widget what does the notifications widget do how do I use the notifications widget what is the other activity widget what does the other activity widget do how do I use the other activity widget add other activities to a site add other activities to a page add a pdf to a site add a pdf to a page add pdf to frog use pdf in frog display pdf in frog can I display a pdf in frog can I embed a pdf in frog showing a pdf show a pdf in frog pdf's adding pdf's what is the pdf widget what does the pdf widget do how do I use the pdf widget what is the photo stream widget what does the photo stream widget do how do I use the photo stream widget tagging images collection of images stream photos stream images what is the phrase of the day widget how do I use the phrase of the day widget what does the phrase of the day widget do what is the poll widget what does the poll widget do how do I use the poll widget using a poll viewing a poll adding a poll to a site adding a poll to a page using a poll on a site using a poll on a page setting polls creating a poll what is the quick launch widget what does the quick launch widget do how do I use the quick launch widget add quick launch menu to a page quick launch menu able to add quick launch menu to a site able to add quick launch menu to a page embedding quick launch embed quick launch menu add a quiz to a site add a quiz to a page embed a quiz in a page embed a quiz in a site embedding a quiz in a site embedding a quiz in a page add quizzes as reources add quiz as a resource add quiz as an activity quiz activity how do I add a quiz to a site using quizzes on a site adding quizzes to a site using quizzes on a page adding quizzes to a page can I use a quiz in a site can I add a quiz to a site add test to a site add tests to a site add test to a page create a quiz as a site add a quiz site what is the quiz widget what does the quiz widget do how do I use the quiz widget generate random names random generation name generation generate names what is the random name widget what does the random name widget do how do I use the random name widget add news feeds to frog adding news to frog live news news feed news story upload news story to frog upload news story how to upload news story how do I upload news how do I upload news story adding news story to frog live news feed live news story news story feed add rss feeds to frog add rss feed to site add rss feed to page embedding live news feed embed live news what is the RSS feed widget what does the RSS feed widget do how do I use the rss feed widget adding shared folders to a site adding shared folders to a page add shared folders sharing folders on site sharing folders on page folders on site folders on page accessing frogdrive folders from page access frogdrive folders from page access folders from page accessing frogdrive folders from a site access frogdrive folders from site access folders from site how do I add a folder how do I share a folder can I add a shared folder to a site can I add a shared folder to a page what is the shared folders widget what does the shared folders widget do how do I use the shared folders widget add a network drive to a site add a network drive to a page adding network drive to a site adding network drive to a page add network drive to a site add network drive to a page network drive on a site network drive on a page sharing network drive on a site sharing network drive on a page can I access network drives from a page can I access network drives from a site how do I add a network drive to a site how do I add a network drive to a page what is the network drive widget what does the network drive widget do how do I use the network drive widget how does the network drive widget work link to a site internal site link link to another site site linking linking a site linking sites in frog link to sites frog site link how do I link to another site can I add a link to another site can I link to another frog site link to a frog site what is the site link widget what does the site link widget do how do I use the site link widget how does the site link widget work list sites can I list sites in frog how do I list sites in frog can I list all sites in frog list of all sites all sites in a list display certain sites site tags listing sites in frog create a list of sites display a list of sites display a list of frog sites display sites with tags show sites with tags see all sites with tages display all sites with certain tags what is the site list widget what does the site list widget do how do I use the site list widget how does the site list widget work add a site list show a site timeline use timelines display any site activity display all site activity see all files sent to a site using site as a visualiser site visualiser sending content to sites sent contents to site media sent to site photo sent to site video sent to site file sent to site display all activity on a site timeline of a site what is a site timeline widget what does the site list widget do how do I use the site list widget how does the site list widget work add a site timeline site timeline create a table in frog tables in frog import tables to frog use tables in frog edit tables in frog excel tables in frog excel tables add a table to frog create tables rows and columns what is a table widget what does the table widget do how do I use the table widget rich text add text add formula add special characters link to files link to websites create text add text to a site add text to a page create headings how do I add text to a site text editor what is the text widget what does the text widget do how do I use the text widget add a text activity to a site add ability to add text to a site input text on a site students add text to a site activity on a site what is the text activity widget what does the text activity widget do how do I use thshow time on a site show time on a page display the time display time on a page display time on a site add time to a site what is the time widget what does the time widget do how do I use the time widget text activity widget show student timetables show staff timetables show teacher timetable student timetable teacher timetable display timetable display student timetable display staff timetable show all events in timetabke embed a timetable set a keyword use keywords site keywords keywords on site using keywords site sharing keywords and tags what is the set keyword widget what does the set keyword widget do how do I use the set keyword widget show user info logged in user who is logged in display user info display user information what is the user info widget what does the user info widget do how do I use the user info widget create a wall start discussion post on a wall discuss on a wall what does the wall widget do what is the wall widget how do I use the wall widget one drive integration using onedrive access onedrive from a page onedrive on a page onedrive on a site what is the onedrive widget what does the onedrive widget do how do I use the onedrive widget


The aim of this guide is to give you an overview of the main features of FrogLearn.

The Applications section lists any Frog applications you have access to. These applications load in a similar manner to sites, but each has a specific purpose and their look is not controlled by the school.

Applications : A - F

A - F

Applications : G - M

G - M

Applications : N - Q

N - Q

Applications : R - Z

R - Z